Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Placement Metadata Annotation Options

Features may be annotated using any of the built-in methods described in the table below. Any of the checked annotation modes will be available to annotate the current feature. The "On" method is only valid for linear feature types.




Annotation is placed parallel to view.


Annotation is placed parallel to view and then allowed to rotate to a user defined rotation.


The Away mode is typically used when the space available for annotation is limited. The Away mode is used to place a bubble with a reference number near the feature and then places a matching bubble with the annotation text adjacent to it.


The annotation is placed at the same angle as the feature.


The annotation is placed at the end of a leader line.


The annotation is placed on the linear element. The text style used for this type of annotation should have background fill enabled. Not available for cell or text features.